How to Make Customers Review Your Product?

You can spend crores on increasing your brand value, advertising, and marketing, but one bad review could make it all spiral down. E-commerce is the most revenue-generating platform today as opposed to physical shops. The comfort and flexibility and the great discounts offered are the driving force for the growth of online shopping. Here, nothing else other than consumer satisfaction speaks. 79% of customers rely on reviews to make a purchase decision, and it is estimated that good reviews can boost sales up to 270%.

But getting those reviews might be a difficult task. People are not as enthusiastic about posting reviews as much as they are willing to believe reviews. Getting them to review products is one of the significant challenges. After purchasing a product, only a handful return to review and rate. Therefore, specific methods are followed to create a string of genuine feedback. Let us discuss a few strategies to get those reviews.

How to Prompt People for Reviews

Send Emails

Send Notification to review the purchase or Product after a few days of Purchase. This prompt is a simple reminder to the customer to review the product they bought. This might make them want to give feedback on the product; you will at least get a rating for your product. Keep your reminder e-mail short and creative. Don’t be so flattering like we would appreciate your review, etc. Keep it straightforward like your review might help others make an informed decision etc., or help us create a better experience for you.

Tempt for a Review by gifts or credits

You can boost your review or sales on sites by offering store credit or discounts on your next purchase. This encourages your customers to write reviews and return for more to redeem vouchers or credit points offered. This boosts your sales and also improves your credibility. If your product is listed on an e-commerce platform, usually, the platform does these jobs for a fee or commission.

Review Submission Form

You can ask your customers to spare a few minutes for a few survey questions and ask for the feedback you need. You should also be open to negative criticism and include a question for the negative parts. This helps you build a better bond with the customer. Letting them know that you are open to criticism and willing to improve will increase customer trust, and they are more likely to return to your brand if the feedback is looked at and corrected.

Asking for YouTubers and Bloggers for a Review

This is one of the reliable methods to drive sales for your product. Whenever you launch a new product or if you want to boost your sales, approach a social media influencer related to your field and collaborate with them for a review. Do not expect them to talk only about the good things, as that tends to look false. Let them have the creative reign and tell the world what they feel.

Buy Reviews

This is another foolproof method. Remember, the key is buying genuine reviews, not random fake ids or bots. You send your product to reviewers, who get to use and review it within a given time. There are not so many legit websites in this matter, but is one of the most trusted sites. You can buy reviews from here or any other valid site for your google, amazon, and other site reviews.


Reviews are the driving force in today’s e-commerce websites. Many companies rely only on online stores to do business, for their reviews are the only source of trusted marketing. After purchase, follow them up with feedback forms, review submissions, and rating notifications. This reminder will act as a prompt to get you a review. You can also approach bloggers and social media influencers for a sponsored review. To start getting reviews before making sales, you can buy reviews through genuine reviewers.

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